
"Japan Is a Safe Country", or Great Modern Japanese Myths

"Japan is a safe country." Then why do we get groped when we are just commuting by train?"Japan is a kind country. People welcome and treat others with generosity." Then why do I encounter xenophobia quite often in everyday life?One time s…

My experience of reading

Don't know why I'm writing this in English, but sometimes it's simpler for me to write a certain thing in English. Or, I might just want to practice before taking an English test. Anyways. Recently I've been trying to read a lot. I've been…

ららぽーとで問答/Reflection on the INTEGRATE advert and how women live in this society



タイトル通り。最近ちょっと日記化してきたのは、やっぱり書くのが好きだから。先日リスニングの勉強がてらタヴィ・ゲヴィンソンのTEDでの講演を見た。http://youtube.com/watch?v=E22icGCvGXkタイトルは“Still Figuring it Out”(まだ模索中)。当然、以前…